Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

Cheat PB 10 Mei 2011 Update Cheat Point Blank SoundBreak v1.7 10052011 Terbaru

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[-] Krazy
[-] rifqi@N3
[-] Farah
[-] Andrie PKL
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Free Download Cheat PB 10 Mei 2011 Update Cheat Point Blank SoundBreak v1.7 10052011 Terbaru
Cheat PB 10 Mei 2011 Update Cheat Point Blank SoundBreak v1.7 10052011

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Cheat Ninja Saga 2011 Gold Permanen 2011

Cheat NS Ninja Saga Gold Permanen yang keren ini :
1. Cheat engine download
2. browser (Mozilla recommended)

1. go ninja saga then playing any kind of mission (if not the mission lv13 escaped criminal who wrote because often get healing scrolls / chakra scroll)
2. if for example you get the item healing / chakras do not scroll at first ok ..
3. open cheat engine
4. open proces continues to choose which Web browser you use
5. continue to value typeya replaced text
6. scan items that you can ya list of his goods

* Item1 (smoke bomb) * item2 (healing scroll lvl 1)
* Item3 (chakras scroll lvl 1) * item4 (healing scroll lvl 3)
* Item5 (chakras scroll lvl 3) * item6 (healing scroll lvl 6)
* Item7 (chakras scroll lvl 6) * item8 (healing scroll lvl 9)
* Item9 (chakras scroll lvl 9) * item10 (chakras scroll lvl 12)
* Item11 (healing scroll lvl 12) * item12 (healing scroll lvl 15)
* Item13 (chakras scroll lvl 15) * item14 (healing scroll lvl 20)
* Item15 (chakras scroll lvl 20) * item16 (special rune scrolls)
* Item17 (healing scroll lvl 25) * item18 (chakras scroll lvl 25)
* Item19 (scroll healing lvl 30) * item20 (chakras scroll lvl 30)
* Item21 (healing scroll lvl 35) * item22 (chakras scroll lvl 35)
* Item23 (healing scroll lvl 40) * item24 (chakras scroll lvl 40)7. for example wrote the scroll of chakra you get lvl 12 you live in CEnya wrote: item10
8. continue to scan address so you get valuenya replaced wpn155
9. After his mission is completed, refresh the game
10. continue to see in gear ...
11. Get lv60 weapons practice naginata (257,100 price quite right) stay to the shop selling

Semoga cheat ninja saga 2011 Gold Permanen 2011 ini bisa bermanfaat bagi anda semua yang mencarinya. Jangan dulu berkomentar sebelum benar-benar berhasil mencobanya. Karena cheat Gold Permanen 2011  ini di tes dulu. Semoga Sukses dan selamat mencoba.

Free Download Game Counter Strike Xtreme V5 (2011) Gratis requirements:
Processor: AMD Athlon 1200 + / Intel Pentium 3 1.2 GHz
RAM: 256 MB
Video Card: nVidia GeForce 2 MX / ATI Radeon 7xxx
Added about 20 weapons and player models (which is added and not replaced)
* Effects of the murder
* Its sounds for each weapon
* New special effects
* Highlighting Weapons
* Included in the assembly of six mods: Human Scenario, Deathmatch, Zombie Mod, ZombieScenario plus new effects and animation
* Fixed errors when connecting
* Works search servers
* Added patch solves the problem with error "Component 'MSCOMCTL.OCX' of one of its dependencies not correctly registered ..."

Game modes
Normal - classic game
Human Scenario - hold several rounds of mercenaries and to endure in the last round to destroy the helicopter
In order that would play in this mode to disable bots and run the map hs_desertstorm otherwise the game may hang
Deathmatch - a team game on a team with instant respawn
Ghost Mod - you against a team of ghosts are barely visible and they are armed only with knives
Zombie Mod - the classic zombie mod. an infected attempts to infect all the others
Zombie Scenario - alone against hordes of zombies. need to survive and destroy the main and ghouls

 Free Download Game Counter Strike Xtreme V5 (2011) Gratis